Welcome to MidwestTrails.com!

The purpose of this website is to provide an interactive experience that provides observable, firsthand and consistent information in the form of narrative description, photos and videos. The other goal of this site is to gather in one place a consistent presentation of all the state parks and trails in this part of the U.S. Currently you have to explore many websites to find this information. Also the information on this website will be much more in depth. You can actually see the entire trail and the accessible areas of the state parks because we show it on the videos linked on each web page. We have visited every trail and state park you see on this website so the information is first hand and consistent because it is from a single source.

To facilitate the integration of the many, many trails and state parks found in the Midwest, the website is organized around a scrollable base map that allows a visitor to MidwestTrails.com to view the web pages for state parks and trails by clicking on the symbols and features of this map. You can also navigate to most pages on the website using the menu system too.

We will continually be adding trails and state parks to this website expanding out from a centralized location in southern Minnesota.

About the Author
I’m an avid hiker and biker and have visited and explored every state park and trail shown on this website. This website is a way to document my travels while allowing me to pursue my interests in photography, writing, technology and website development. See you on the trail!

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2018 - www.MidwestTrails.com - All Rights Reserved. All images, videos and text property of MidwestTrails.com - No reuse without permission.