Superior Hiking Trail - Middle Gooseberry Campsite
This campsite is right on the Gooseberry River. The fire pit and benches are close to the trail and also have views of the river. Not a large site, but several tent pads are available. Latrine is well back in the woods. There is sometimes a large beaver dam about 400 feet downstream from this campsite. This dam can cause the river to be wider and slower through this area.
Campsite Tour Video
A look around this campsite.
Photos of this Campsite
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The entrance to this campsite is right on the bank of the river. The fire pit and seating area is visible in the background.
Looking upstream at the Gooseberry River, which is just across the main SHT trail from the campsite.
One of the open spots where you could set up a tent.
Another small tent pad. This isn't a large campsite overall, so places to put up a tent congregate around the fire pit.